I want to display an image from the internet with in my GUI. I try doing this:
var lincHeadline = "www.internetwebsite.not/generic.png";
function OnGUI () {
var myHeadline : WWW = new WWW (lincHeadline);
yield myHeadline;
GUI.Label(Rect (10, 15, 185, 245), myHeadline.texture);
But the GUI does not show. Any help please?[/code]
Does it have to be from the site? You can download the image and use it as a texture in your assets.
But I wouldn’t know how to get an image from a link into the GUI.
It’s for an in-game PDA. I plan to change the image every few days.
Just load the texture in awake/start once, and then use it in OnGUI. Don’t call it every OnGUI call (plus you can’t yield in ongui)
I get the following error when I do that:
Unknown identifier: ‘myHeadline’.