Using Yield waitforseconds with boo

I’ve been following the walkerboystudio tutorials, but I decided that I’ll try and write everything with Boo instead of unityScript [or JavaScript … whatever you wanna call it]

in the first lab project , they call a function from inside the update() that contains Yield waitForSeconds() call , when I did that with Boo the whole function doesn’t get called
here’s my both scripts


var numberOfClicks = 2;
var waitTime = 2.0;

function Start () {


function Update () {
	if(numberOfClicks <= 0){
		var position = Vector3(Random.Range(-7,7),Random.Range(-4,4),0);		//random positions between 2 points
		transform.position = position;				//set the object hit to this new position
		numberOfClicks = 2;

function respawnTime(){
		renderer.enabled = false;
		yield WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
		renderer.enabled = true;

this one works, and the next one is


import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

//Enemy Script

class scriptEnemy (MonoBehaviour): 
	//public variables
	public numberOfClicks = 2
	public waitTime = 2.0
	def Start ():
	def Update ():
		if(numberOfClicks <= 0):
			position = Vector3(Random.Range(-7,7),Random.Range(-4,4),0)		//random positions between 2 points
			transform.position = position				//set the object hit to this new position
			numberOfClicks = 2
	def respawnTime() as IEnumerator:
		print ("respawn called")
		renderer.enabled = false
		yield WaitForSeconds(waitTime)
		renderer.enabled = true

This one does nothing , the whole respawnTime function/subroutine/method doesn’t get called at all, if I removed the yield line , it gets called fine
Any idea why is this happening ?

In Boo, like C#, you need to use StartCoroutine(). The documentation has an example using WaitForSeconds.

I havent gotten yield to work, but what you can do is just simply say
