UsingOtherComponents problem

Hello, I need some explanation because of my Script I can’t get it why it’s not working.
I’ve tried to get it on that way like in this tutorial

First Script:

public class PlayerMover : MonoBehaviour {
	public float playerJump =5f;
	public float playerMovementSpeed = 7f;
	private float playerRotationSpeed = 100f;
	private Rigidbody playerRB;

Second Script:

public class powerUPsSystem : MonoBehaviour {
	public float updatedSpeed = 9f; // I want to replace 7f to 9f;
	//PlayerMover Standard = new PlayerMover();
	public GameObject otherGameObject;
	private PlayerMover plmoverscript;
	void Start () {
		plmoverscript = otherGameObject.GetComponent<PlayerMover> ();
	void Update () {
		Debug.Log ("speed" + playerMovementSpeed); // variable does not exist ..

And so:
Why that variable is not exist even it’s public not private… ?
As you can imaginate Second script is for powerUP so I will try to change standard variable but that is not necessary for this moment. Right now I need knowledge of that first problem.

Well, all you did was say “plmoverscript” is the PlayerMover script component. You never said anything about playerMovementSpeed.

I think you are confused with how GetComponent works. All it does it get the component as a variable. It DOESN’T INCLUDE that whole component as part of the current script.

So in order to fix this, you always need to use the variable you used to get the component.

Debug.Log ("speed" + plmoverscript.playerMovementSpeed);