USpeak VoIP: TNet Edition


Hello, Unity Community.
Today I’d like to announce my latest asset for Unity3D - USpeak: TNet Edition.
USpeak VoIP gives you the easiest, most cross-platform VoIP solution for Unity games, and for games using the TNet framework by Tasharen Entertainment, it just got even easier. Simply drop the manager script into your game and everything else is handled for you, not a single line of code required.

What makes USpeak the best choice for VoIP?

  • Powered by the Speex audio codec standard, enabling USpeak with bandwidth-friendly, high-quality audio. Also included are the MuLaw and ADPCM codecs for CPU-limited platforms, plus support for your own codecs.
  • Volume-activated audio support with inspector-configurable threshold
  • Optional key-based voice trigger. Push to talk, or toggle talk - you can also code your own.
  • Full 3D audio support - from simple speaker panning, to full distance attenuation, reverb, and more.
  • Powers the upcoming DayZ-meets-Minecraft survival horror game Rust by Facepunch Studios (of Garry’s Mod fame)

See here for more information about USpeak:

USpeak for TNet handles all of the details of TNet integration for you, providing you a truly drop-in solution for realtime voice chat in your TNet-powered game.
Buy it here:

USpeak for TNet has now been released!
Buy it here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

Will this be ever back on the asset store?

Not in it’s current form, no.
I have for the forseeable future shut down the middleware portion of my business. I have a sort of agreement with Daikon Forge to help work on their own middleware line (mostly, helping with their upcoming DFGUI 2.0 refresh) which has taken up a ridiculously large portion of my schedule.
Given the little remaining time I have left, and how little this has been paying, I just can’t continue on providing support. I need to focus my time on other tasks.
I’ll probably re-upload it for free to the Daikon Forge forums, and I may even create a sort of “sequel” for the Daikon Forge middleware line at some point, but I make no promises in this regard.

I understand your reason, i read it on your blog.

And i know that you are pissed of, same like me. I buy those assets and some idiots put it on github etc…
I talked also with Takuan and send him github links, that i found via google.

I dont need any support for this asset or something like these.
If we could talk or something like these, it would be nice.
This asset would save me a lot of work and time.

So, if you want, you can contact me. :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you, PhobicGunner!

(I do hope uSpeak can continue in some form.)

Maybe you could upload it on GitHub?