Hi, i see that other users had this problem, but non of them works for me.
i use unity 2019.2 and using unity Ad 3.3.0, but the problem is be there with 3.4.x too.
in editor i have this debug on console:
“Please consider upgrading to the Packman Distribution of the Unity Ads SDK. The Asset Store distribution will not longer be supported after Unity 2018.3”.
but the RV, FS, and banner works fine in editor. but after i build the game and run it on iOS device, i get this error message in XCode:
2020-07-18 16:36:14.920463+0430 gameName[4219:2394488] E/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_initError:code:callback:] (line:42) :: Web application failed to load with error : Unity Ads SDK fail to initialize due to internal error
2020-07-18 16:36:14.921319+0430 gameName[4219:2394488] E/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_logError:callback:] (line:57) :: Initialization error: Unity Ads SDK fail to initialize due to internal error
So this message Please consider upgrading to the Packman Distribution of the Unity Ads SDK. The Asset Store distribution will not longer be supported after Unity 2018.3
is only a warning and wont have any affect on anything. Its just telling you that the package manage distribution is where you want to be getting the source from as its our future distribution channel for unity direct integrations.
2020-07-18 16:36:14.920463+0430 gameName[4219:2394488] E/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_initError:code:callback:] (line:42) :: Web application failed to load with error : Unity Ads SDK fail to initialize due to internal error
In order to better understand what is going on, can you share your full log. Feel free to pm me directly with it and I will take a look. We are working on updating some of our initialization logging to better communicate any issues that arise.
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i send you the logs in DM @sbankhead , i still have this problem…
No Body else face this problem?
it works on ads version 3.0.1 but i can’t upload it to appstoreconnect! and i get this error on version greater than 3.3.0.
please help me!