USS bugs since forever

I usually have 1-3 USS files in each UXML document. While working - adding new selectors, modifying them and saving in UI Builder window, i get following bugs:

  • sometimes selector jumps from one USS file to another
  • sometimes selector duplicates
  • sometimes it doesnt save changes
  • sometimes all of the above

So i always have to save every step, delete duplicates, move selectors, save again, try to modify it so that i see changes in window. Once it works it is ok, and everything is ok if i dont add new selector.

It is annoying, and i have these bugs in all Unity versions (on Windows and MacOS).

Did you report these bugs or are you assuming that they’re well known and a fix is being worked on? If you didn’t report them then I’d suggest doing that.


I assumed that they are well known since i worked on couple of computers (different platforms) and different Unity versions. I cant be alone… Or am i? :grinning:

Well if everyone assumes someone else has reported a bug, has anyone reported the bug?

If you have repro steps, report the bug.

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We cant fix what we dont know about :wink:
Please do file bug reports. If its something we already know about it will still show that multiple users are hitting the issue and it may even give us a better reproduction project to work with.

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I’ve also had random duplication and movement of uss selectors in builder. Haven’t reported too since it was not critical to me and I didn’t know repro steps.

Same for me :slightly_smiling_face: … Hard to say exactly how to reproduce steps, because it is so random. And also i never reported any bug, so i dont know how - so that it would be useful. I suppose it is not that hard, but usually i dont have time (because of the deadlines), and i always make workarounds and never look back :joy: