UT Master Server info?

We have a user who wants to configure their school’s firewall to be able to access the Master Server. They say that along with the port for the game to use (38038), they need:

Faciliator IP address and port
master server IP address and port

Can UT provide this info for the UT-run Master Server?

We realize that you can/may change this at your discretion.


Its masterserver.unity3d.com with port 23456 and facilitator.unity3d.com with port 50001, both UDP. Both names point to at the moment but if either or both servers are moved then the DNS names will always point to the correct IP.

Thanks a lot Larus!

Are these still valid? What about for the connection tester? I’ve been running my own MasterServer without issue, but now that machine is going away, so I’m trying to set up on the Unity servers and I’m getting the following errors using the above info:

  1. The connection request to master server at failed. Are you sure it can be connected to?

  2. ConnectionTester is unable to connect to the facilitator, test finished.


Edit: Nevermind, I just tried not setting them to anything and that worked.

Spoke too soon. I’m getting this error now.

“Failed to connect the connection tester.” when calling Network.TestConnection(); I’m using all the default values now (not setting server or port for master server, facilitator, or connection tester).

If I switch back to setting the host and ports to the master server I’m running here everything works fine. Is there a problem with the unity3d.com servers at the moment?

Edit: OK, after messing around for a few more hours, it seems that some/a lot of the time, the connection times out. Is there a way to adjust the timeout value for the Network.TestConnection call?