UT says MonoDevelop will be standard editor?

Is this true?

That’s a tentative plan. If MonoDevelop becomes good enough of course. Basically, we need something much better than what we have right now (people want proper auto completion, debugging and whatnot). So MonoDevelop is a candidate.

Can you say what the other options are?

From the feature list they have, my vote would certainly go towards MonoDevelop. Code completion and debugging? :smile:

Pure speculation on my part, but I expect a big Unity 3.0 feature will be MonoDevelop-based editing with full debugging and Intellisense for all Unity languages…

Aras: If this is the case, reply with a noncommittal “we would like that too but no comment on possibilities” post :wink:

Er… I don’t know :slight_smile: Really.

Can I just say “we started talking with MonoDevelop guys about pusing up quality on non-Linux platforms” (you can see some of that discussion on mono developers mailing list). No commitment to anything. No business plan. No promises.

Oh! Yes! Where do I sign up?

Okay :O)

Ähm one question, 2.5 was also planned shipping with a Webplayer Update supporting Chrome, right?

It’s funny, i never before switched to a new Browser this fast.

Yes, that was stated elsewhere already.


I already use MonoDevelop on the Mac and, although it has it’s quirks, I find it to be very useful and better than anything else… mainly because of the code completion. … of course VS.net is better but I don’t like running a VM just for an IDE. MonoDevelop gets the job done.