Utterly stupid game idea for Thursday afternoon

Utterly stupid game idea for Thursday afternoon.


Not looking for feedback, just wanted to give myself a distraction.

Thats fu#king awesome!

That’s excellent :slight_smile:

Not to bad, I always enjoy roguelike games

Awesome! It’s a good idea, you should work it out further!

clever and fun. mind if I steal the idea? lol

  • joking.

Sure, steal an idea from 1978. It was called Zombie Island and I had it published as a type-in listing in a magazine for the original CBM Pet. I also did a version for Acorn Atom, Speccy and BBC and sold it in various local computer shops and through those 1/8th of a page ads in the backs of various magazines. You’re only 33 years late to the party. :slight_smile: have been thinking of creating a version that has various pre-defined levels and you have to rescue an entire aeroplane full of crash survivors, collecting various useful items along the way. I already have a genetic solver that can verify an island is solvable and how difficult it is. Could easily work right now as a simple Kongregate game. But then I was also thinking of replacing the swamps with various Rube Goldberg-esque style torture contraptions, the player character with a laser pointer and the zombies switched out for cats. The core game play is all there really, just need to polish it up and make it fun. Not sure if the joke text works though.

Wonder what I will do on Friday afternoon.

that was fun. minor bug: when I moved on a zombie the game seemed to freeze.

Fun game! And some really good jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the joke text. If its rare and varied, it’s fun.

I typed this into a BBC Micro from an Usborne computer book sometime in the 1980s. I can’t remember what it was called - I don’t think it had a Zombie theme though. Probably had a shipping/mines theme although the graphics were just ascii 'X’s and 'O’s. Still even then, it has a certain something. I’d develop it big time if I were you, could definitely be a hit on iOs. Maybe consider designing each level rather than random generation - this gives you more control even if it is more work…

No didn’t like it the flashing text was way too fast for the full retro feel you really need to slow it down! ;o)

Justin, I followed the link to your site from the game (imf) and I could not believe your choices. For a start my new outfit is called Simian Squared (there’s two of us at the moment, I’m the ape and he’s the chimp) - the coincidence is really quite fun. Maybe we just like primates!

Cool little game lol =]

While you say your not looking for feedback, I have to mentioned that this, while simply seams like a fresh idea- Not something ive seen before.

A few ideas, i know everyone is full with them, but anyways:

  • mine: only usable once, after a zombie steps on it, it disappears

  • bush: zombies cannot be seen while in a bush. You have to remember them.

  • rock/fence/tree: no one can step on them

  • special skills like “adrenaline rush”, once in the game you can step two. Or shotgun, you can kill a zombie that is next to you instead of moving.

  • special zombies like exploding zombie. when he dies, he explodes in a 3*3 territory. Or a durable zombie, that you have to lead into water/mine twice.

  • alternate goals, like rescuing other survivors by touching them.

Depends on experience. Some text used to flash slow, some text used to flash fast. :slight_smile: Plus I am using full 24-bit colour for the text, which is also not very retro. I just wanted something in there that indicated who owned the copyright on it rather than some wanker taking it and sticking it on Kongregate as their own. It would be easy to edit out the text string, but it will be kind of obvious if their text is flashing like crazy too. :slight_smile: Besides, movement! With the text I can claim it makes use of both 24-bit colour graphics and that they are fully animated. :slight_smile:

The jokes appear a bit too often right now, I just wanted to have something else going on other than the game.

I coded up a genetic solver to verify that the level is solvable, which is not applied in the randomly generated version I linked to in the first post. I was thinking of generating, say 100 or 200 levels, and then ranking them in order of difficulty so that a player could logically progress through the game. Not sure how far I will take the idea yet.

once u got it its freaky awesome :smile:

Reminds me of Daleks, or the Kroz series :slight_smile:

Two things to explore:

  • Horizontal/vertical movement for everyone.
  • Combo bonuses for killing more than one zombie in a turn, to get some score variations.