I’ve been playing with the search function for an hour, but can’t seem to find an answer to my problem :
I’ve set an UVW map to a head in 3DS via the Unwrap UVW modifier. No error on export.
When I import the whole thing in Unity, no error.
Well, the textures arent’ applied, but I read here that it’s a “texture” folder issue, so I can fix it.
But the real problem is when I assign a texture on my face, there’s no UV mapping at all …
Even for the eyes, on which I just set a simplier modifier (UVW map, spherical gizmo) …
Did I do something wrong ?
And on a sidenote, if anybody would have some thread link about UV map importing, or even assigning directly under Unity (I heard about Atlas texturing, but no how-to), they would make my day
I would like to help, but sadly I don’t have the knowledge to fix your problem. However I’m quite sure a person with the know-how will come along soon. Just be patient!
Texture mapping sure, 3DS Max no…I don’t think most people here do (seems to be mostly Maya/Blender/Cheetah, with some miscellaneous others as well), but at least a few use it, so maybe one of them will come along.
Thank you for your support
As I wrote at the end, would someone have some sort of link to a thread where texture uv mapping inside Unity is explained ?
I searched for a long time, even in the startrooper demo, but no clue… Maybe a sticky with basics like that would help annoying newbs like me :roll:
Do you, every single Unity user, import UV mappings directly from your modeling software ? Or do you assign it manually in Unity ?
And for that 2nd case, how do you do that ? (I mean vertex mapping, not just planar mapping with offset)
Unity can only use planar maps… it’s just a limitation of the engine.
oh wait
I did hear that a small group of people have had success doing this UV mapping thing before. Here’s a thread that is focussed on lightmapping from Max, but it should set you in the right direction about why you’re not seeing your UVs come over properly. It also contains a list of links to similar threads… one of them has to be helpful.
I’m a lightwaver but if I dont have a texture or surface (using the UVs) applied in lightwave when I export then no UV coords come into Unity. I dont know if that helps.
Well I don’t know what did change between now and before, but I just downloaded the FBX exporter from Autodesk site, exported the FBX as usual, wuth the same parameters … and tadaaa the UVs are well imported
NOw there are some problems with other non-texture materials (not displayed), but I think I’ll manage quickly the whole thing.
I’m so happy to see my hard work take life in Unity !
Thank you all, for your fast support, I know how newbies like me can be upsetting when they are only instances of other dozens past newbies xD
Well, just for fun, here is a screenshot of one of my char models :
Well nevermind for the question above, but here I got some other trouble about importing into Unity :
Textures and UVs now import very well, material names too, but when it’s a basic color material, it’s not imported into Unity and replaced by the default white.
As it’s only a color, there’s nothing to do with folder names on export, so it’s either 3DS or Unity.
Is there something particular to do inside 3DS on the material for the color to be correctly saved to Unity ?