UV mapping from Blender on the wrong face

Let me start by saying that I’m very new to both Unity and Blender. I’ve just recently started to wrap my head around UV mapping and I’m having a little trouble. I setup a basic UV map in Blender that looks fine on the screen, but when I place that model in Unity it seems to have the texture on a different face and actually seems to just apply a flat shade with the approximate color instead of the image itself as the texture.

Its hard to tell in your screenshot from Blender which face this material is actually applied to. Is the floor a cube like the walls, but the texture/material only being applied to the bottom face? (Unity Bottom.png). If you don’t mind post the Blender scene and I would be happy to take a look at it.

Couple guesses/suggestions. Does all your geometry have a material assigned to in. I noticed the shader is called unnamed. So a generic material is being used. I would assign a material for both the walls and the floor with descriptive names, just to keep things from becoming confusing. The texture you are using probably needs to be imported into Unity also. Just drag and drop the image file into the project outliner. The select the material you want to use the texture with from the outliner, and drag the texture into the color/albedo. That should get the texture to display instead of the base color of the material.

Some of this depends on the UV mapping as well. If possible its worth posting a screen cap of the UV layout of the objects causing trouble.

Hope some of that helps!

Indeed, with the lack of lighting in the Blender scene I can’t see anything. And in the Unity screenshots, I can’t see if the texture is even in your assets anywhere, as the asset browser doesn’t show it, though it may be in the materials folder. You could also expand the material section when having the object showing in the inspector, as that would show the texture as well, assuming it is there.

It looks like I the step I was neglecting was creating a new material in Blender. Once I did everything appeared the same in Unity. This page laid out the steps pretty well for me. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/UV Map Basics - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

As a side-note: I didn’t have to explicitly import the texture into Unity after I followed the correct steps in Blender. My texture does reside in the project’s “Assets” folder though. Is that why it still worked?

It may be that somehow the textures were automatically imported somehow. This can happen somehow.

Unity is pretty good at auto importing fbx from Blender scenes. As long as it’s not some crazy setup I think it will bring the texture along. From other post on here that the impression that I get anyways.

I tend to manually important my maps. Past pipeline exporting/file processing experiences has embedded a distrust of that stuff. Had nothing to do with Unity, old habits die hard I suppose.

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