Hi. I am making FBX parser in runtime and faced again the problem. FBX has information about vertices coordinates, IDs of those vertices how to make polygons (PolygonVertexIndex), UV coordinates, and UV indexes. Here is what you need: link text. The problem is that when I try to assign UV coordinates to mesh it says that UVs array MUST be the same as vertex array.
The problem is that mesh has 8 vertices (in the example), but Unwrapped UV has 14 vertices. One vertex on a mesh can have more than one UV coordinate vertex.
mesh.SetUVs() gives out of bounds error because vertex array is smaller than UV array.
I tried to use mesh.GetUVs() from the same object that was imported in Editor and it showed me 24 UV coordinates on the cube. While it has only 8 vertexes.
Any ideas how to put UV’s with more vertices on an object while importing FBX?