Hey Guys,
I’ve just recently modelled a simple little pillar to import into Unity from 3DSmax 2010. I UVW Unwrapped it and have a texture sheet with all my textures layed out (Created in Photoshop) and I want to apply that texture sheet to my model in Unity exactly as it is in 3DSmax. I’ve tried this and it just basically applies the texture onto the model not correctly assigning each part where it should be.
Can somebody offer me a solution please?
Thanks alot.
I’m not sure about 3DS Max but in Cinema4D you NEED to have the texture file assigned to your model before you export to Unity.
Or maybe you have two UV sets aplied to your model and UNity uses the other one as the primary UV set?
Hi there!
This shouldn`t be a problem at all. Could you please post the texture sheet + export settings you use when exporting to Unity?
The only thing I can think of is that you mapped it into wrong channel. Can you post your model? or at least some screenshots of it in 3dsmax and Unity with some setting dialogs…