Hi there,
I tried to consume the Lightweight Render Pipeline in a UWP build of a simple Unity project. However, when I ran the UWP I hit an access violation.
Does the Scriptable Render Pipeline support UWPs at this point?
Here’s the callstack where the AV occurred:
UnityPlayer.dll!13bf626e() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for UnityPlayer.dll]
GameAssembly.dll!RenderSettings_get_ambientProbe_Injected_m3312258528(Il2CppObject * __this, SphericalHarmonicsL2_t3220866195 * ___ret0, const MethodInfo * method) Line 24681 C++
GameAssembly.dll!RenderSettings_get_ambientProbe_m142457377(Il2CppObject * __this, const MethodInfo * method) Line 24623 C++
GameAssembly.dll!LightweightPipeline_SetupPerFrameShaderConstants_m2265186769(LightweightPipeline_t2674386577 * __this, const MethodInfo * method) Line 13327 C++
GameAssembly.dll!LightweightPipeline_Render_m3581156988(LightweightPipeline_t2674386577 * __this, ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796 ___context0, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * ___cameras1, const MethodInfo * method) Line 10319 C++
GameAssembly.dll!InterfaceActionInvoker2<ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796,CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 >::Invoke(unsigned int slot, Il2CppClass * declaringInterface, Il2CppObject * obj, ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796 p1, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * p2) Line 175 C++
GameAssembly.dll!RenderPipelineManager_DoRenderLoop_Internal_m3799666479(Il2CppObject * __this, Il2CppObject * ___pipe0, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * ___cameras1, int ___loopPtr2, const MethodInfo * method) Line 35920 C++
GameAssembly.dll!RuntimeInvoker_Void_t1185182177_RuntimeObject_RuntimeObject_IntPtr_t(void()() methodPointer, const MethodInfo * methodMetadata, void * obj, void * * args) Line 68920 C++
GameAssembly.dll!il2cpp::vm::Runtime::Invoke(const MethodInfo * method, void * obj, void * * params, Il2CppException * * exc) Line 492 C++
GameAssembly.dll!il2cpp_runtime_invoke(const MethodInfo * method, void * obj, void * * params, Il2CppException * * exc) Line 954 C++
UnityPlayer.dll!120045d9() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!12025dba() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!113e8319() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!113e81af() Unknown