UWP and Scriptable Render Pipeline

Hi there,

I tried to consume the Lightweight Render Pipeline in a UWP build of a simple Unity project. However, when I ran the UWP I hit an access violation.

Does the Scriptable Render Pipeline support UWPs at this point?

Here’s the callstack where the AV occurred:

UnityPlayer.dll!13bf626e() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for UnityPlayer.dll]

GameAssembly.dll!RenderSettings_get_ambientProbe_Injected_m3312258528(Il2CppObject * __this, SphericalHarmonicsL2_t3220866195 * ___ret0, const MethodInfo * method) Line 24681 C++
GameAssembly.dll!RenderSettings_get_ambientProbe_m142457377(Il2CppObject * __this, const MethodInfo * method) Line 24623 C++
GameAssembly.dll!LightweightPipeline_SetupPerFrameShaderConstants_m2265186769(LightweightPipeline_t2674386577 * __this, const MethodInfo * method) Line 13327 C++
GameAssembly.dll!LightweightPipeline_Render_m3581156988(LightweightPipeline_t2674386577 * __this, ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796 ___context0, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * ___cameras1, const MethodInfo * method) Line 10319 C++
GameAssembly.dll!InterfaceActionInvoker2<ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796,CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 >::Invoke(unsigned int slot, Il2CppClass * declaringInterface, Il2CppObject * obj, ScriptableRenderContext_t274343796 p1, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * p2) Line 175 C++
GameAssembly.dll!RenderPipelineManager_DoRenderLoop_Internal_m3799666479(Il2CppObject * __this, Il2CppObject * ___pipe0, CameraU5BU5D_t1709987734 * ___cameras1, int ___loopPtr2, const MethodInfo * method) Line 35920 C++
)() methodPointer, const MethodInfo * methodMetadata, void * obj, void * * args) Line 68920 C++
GameAssembly.dll!il2cpp::vm::Runtime::Invoke(const MethodInfo * method, void * obj, void * * params, Il2CppException * * exc) Line 492 C++
GameAssembly.dll!il2cpp_runtime_invoke(const MethodInfo * method, void * obj, void * * params, Il2CppException * * exc) Line 954 C++
UnityPlayer.dll!120045d9() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!12025dba() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!113e8319() Unknown
UnityPlayer.dll!113e81af() Unknown

Hi SRP should work with UWP on the IL2CPP backend is that what you are using? It seems that way. Which version of unity are you on?

I tried this ( Photogrammetry in Unity: Making Real-World Objects into Digital Assets ) on UWP and it doesn’t work on my xbox (it works on windows)