UXML Text preprocessor

I want to be able to, before a UXML is used, be able to read it’s contents as text, and spout out a new text content to be used instead.
I need this for my translation solution. Currently, it reads the XML, uses a regex to find anything enclosed in “$$”, and replaces it with it’s entry in the translation file

<XmlLayout xmlns="XmlLayout"
           xsi:schemaLocation="XmlLayout ../../../../../libs/Plugins/XmlLayout/XmlLayout/Configuration/XmlLayout.xsd">
        <Text class="SectionTitle" minHeight="40" color="rgb(1,1,1)" fontsize="20" font="Interface/Ubuntu-Medium"/>
        <Text class="SectionTextRight" minHeight="23" alignment="UpperRight" color="rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)" fontsize="16" font="Interface/Ubuntu-Medium"/>
        <Text class="SectionTextLeft" minHeight="23" alignment="UpperLeft" color="rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)" fontsize="16" font="Interface/Ubuntu-Medium"/>

    <VerticalLayout width="130" height="90">
        <Text class="SectionTitle" width="130" height="40">$UIComposition$</Text>
            <VerticalLayout width="80" height="50" padding = "2,2,2,2">
                <Override type="UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement, UnityEngine.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" preferredWidth="0" flexibleWidth="99999"/>
                <Text class="SectionTextRight" name="water">$UIWater$:</Text>
                <Text class="SectionTextRight" name="fat">$UIFat$:</Text>
            <VerticalLayout width="50" height="50" padding = "2,2,2,2">
                <Override type="UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement, UnityEngine.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" minWidth="55" preferredWidth="0" flexibleWidth="1"/>
                <Text class="SectionTextLeft" name="waterValue">0</Text>
                <Text class="SectionTextLeft" name="fatValue">0</Text>

If the selected language is english:
$$UIComposition$$ will be detected and changed to Composition
$$UIWater$$ will be detected and changed to Water
$$UIFat$$ will be detected and changed to Fat
only then, will the XML processor read the contents and make a hierarchy with it

We don’t have our UXML importer open enough to allow for this level of customization. We are still deciding how to implement proper support for localization in UI Toolkit and this may be something we built-in. Until then, you might be able to do something involving a different extension asset, like “.myuxml”, that you write your own importer for and it generates a “.uxml” sub-asset which then gets imported with our importer.

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Will the unity localization package(“com.unity.localization”: “0.7.1-preview”) be considered for integration in UI Toolkit ?

It’s one of the pieces of the future complete puzzle, yes.

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