[V1.3] Jiggly Bubble (particle fx)

Asset Store link

Jiggly Bubble, developed in Unity 5.3.4, is a Shuriken particle effect library including blowing soap bubbles, bubbles rise in boiling water, air pockets when something drops or shot into the water and underwater exhaling air bubbles (in both continuous and periodic variants for simulating realistic breathing). The bubble textures are pre-animated for simulating jiggling animation.

Windows demo / Android demo

It only costs you $2 $5 and there is even a free “preview” version which contains the soap bubble effect.

“Jiggly Bubble” and “Jiggly Bubble Free” are now available on Asset Store.

Actually Jiggly Bubble is 2$ :smile: Still looks good.

Free version is updated to v1.1 for Unity 2017.3. This update includes 2 new custom shaders for simulating cubemap reflection on billboard particles. The built-in cubemap reflective shaders don’t give the agreeable result as soon as you try it on particle system with billboard render mode. Please watch this demo video, like it and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you.

Both paid and free versions are updated with Particle Cubemap shaders for Unity 2017.3.

Hi, loving this effect, works really well. Having them reflective is a nice touch. I’m wondering though, is there a way to have them to reverse which side of a reflection probe they show? As in I’d like the bubbles to ‘reflect’ what is behind them instead of what it is facing. Thx!

You can achieve this by editing the shader in question and change the third “0.5” (IOW the z-axis) of the “worldRefl” variable to “-0.5” which gives you a pseudo refraction effect. But keep in mind that, regardless of reflection or refraction, the worldRefl is far from perfectly accurate. As you rotation the view across certain angle, the cubemap would appear rotated twice as fast, for most other angles, it is still acceptably OK.

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