V5 Asset Bundles not loading

I’m using the new Asset Bundle system from Unity 5. It tests fine in Editor and device for Mac hosts. Those same tests on Ubuntu 15.10 create asset bundles, but the bundles refuse to load. The Manifest file for the bundle says the asset exists, but when loading the asset, it states it does not exist.

Unable to get loader: There is no asset with name “BundleDictionary” in BundleDictionary.

Side note: I notice the “asset bundle names forced all lowercase” rule is not being enforced in this case either.
Tested in 5.3.4f1. Project is small, it can be wrapped for a test case.

Please do!


It’s the Unity Asset Bundle sample code from the asset store, modified to add the Linux names to Utility.cs.

During one test I was able to run the embedded server, but another time I had to use the “python -m SimpleHTTPServer”. I used Linux Standalone as the target. I built asset bundles (which I left in the archive), opened the AssetBundleSample/Scenes/AssetLoader, and pressed Play.

My machine also exibits the Android ETC compression crash as well as the high CPU load bugs, all reproduced with this project. I’m a game coder who’s been in Unity3d many years. Would love to help any way I can.