Validation: The number of dynamic offsets (6) does not match the number of dynamic buffers (5) in [B

With the latest Unity Beta I get the following error. It only happens when I build and run a big scene. If I have the normal SampleScene with a capsule it doesn’t show up.

The screen of webgpu becomes fully black and shows the error every frame but sometimes it renders correctly for a few frames without error.

Anyone has any idea where I should start looking?

Validation: The number of dynamic offsets (6) does not match the number of dynamic buffers (5) in [BindGroupLayout (unlabeled)].
- While encoding [RenderPassEncoder (unlabeled)].SetBindGroup(1, [BindGroup], 6, ...). Validation: [Invalid CommandBuffer] is invalid.
- While calling [Queue].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer]])

I just fixed this bug recently and hope to get the fix out soon, but it will likely be a couple weeks due to release management. The bug is a result of the SRP Batcher code that was added to the WebGPU device, so if you want to get around the problem in the mean time, it might be possible to do that by disabling SRP Batcher in the project for now.

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Thank you @brendanduncan_u3d for the quick answer, that indeed looks to be fixing it. When I create builds I will make sure to disable that for WebGPU and wait for the fix to land in one of the upcoming releases.

Please keep me posted in this thread when the release is available.

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@BlackSpider The batch of fixes that include this should be in the 02f1 release.

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@brendanduncan_u3d Thank you for the heads up. Will have a look once 02 releases. Any ETA when it will release?

@BlackSpider Sorry I have no idea about release schedules

Looks to be fixed in the latest 6.0.2f1 Unity 6000.0.2

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed error with SRP Batcher constant buffer dynamicOffsets.
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