When trying to upload a Vulkan only Quest app via the Meta Quest Developer Hub or the Oculus Platform Tool in Unity it’s coming up with validation errors:
GLES_VERSION_NOT_SPECIFIED GLES version not specified (android:glEsVersion in AndroidManifest.xml). GLES version of 2.0 or greater should be used.
This app contains both 32-bit (armeabi-v7a) and 64-bit (arm64-v8a) libraries. This consumes extra storage and increases download times. Consider updating your build to target 64-bit only.
The issue being that it uses Vulkan only and haven’t had issues uploading with a Vulkan only build before.
Also, only ARM64 was checked in the player settings in Unity when built and didn’t get the validation error on previous upload.
I just had this error a few weeks ago after updating from v49 to v54. I unfortunately don’t remember the solution but after trying a lot of ideas, out of desperation, I deselected arm64 (and maybe 32bit?) then reselected only arm64t, saving in-between deselecting/selecting (maybe also restarting Unity in-between?). I’m 95% positive this is what fixed it. Sorry I can’t offer more help, I should have checked git and researched the solution.
Thanks for the tip. I tried selecting and deselecting arm64 and 32bit then restarting. The build still got the same errors.
I got around it by adding GLES to the player settings under Vulkan, rebuilt, and this one passed validation.
Not ideal but it worked.
I encountered the same problem today. Three days ago, I successfully uploaded an .apk file through MetaQuestDeveloper. However, when I attempted to upload it today, I encountered this error and not able to push update to my application. “This app contains both 32-bit (armeabi-v7a) and 64-bit (arm64-v8a) libraries. This consumes extra storage and increases download times. Consider updating your build to target 64-bit only.”
I use unity 2022.2.17f1 with UnityXR Interaction toolkit
I orinally use GLES with no vulkan
I Have tried
I am certainly have already select only ARM64 and not select ARMv7
upgrade unity to 2022.3.2f1LTS and rebuid the project
use TargetArchitectures/SplitAPKs by target architecture to seperate .apk out into 2 file and upload the x64 one
None of the method above that I tried work
I can confirm that I did not make any changes to the player settings or export settings. Every setting related to building the project remains the same as last week. The problem only appeared today.