'Value does not fall within the expected range' when using Actions

I’m trying to add a method to an action. It compiles fine, however during run time I’ll get the error listed in the title.

This is the error line:

newObject.GetGameObject().GetComponent<Enemy>().OnDeath += lM.RemoveEnemyFromList;

Edit: I should mention that newObject is not a GameObject(it’'s more a pool object). It contains a GameObject, hence why I have a GetGameObject() function…

// PoolManager script

public void CreatePool(GameObject prefab, int poolSize)
        // Make the poolKey equal to the ID of the prefab
        int poolKey = prefab.GetInstanceID();

        // Check to see if the dictionary doesn't already contain the poolkey
        if (!poolDictionary.ContainsKey(poolKey))
            // Create a new Key-Value Pair with key: poolKey and a new Queue
            poolDictionary.Add(poolKey, new Queue<PoolObjectInstance>());

            for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++)
                // Make a new instance of our prefab
                PoolObjectInstance newObject = new PoolObjectInstance(Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject);
                if (newObject.GetGameObject().GetComponent<Enemy>())
                    newObject.GetGameObject().GetComponent<Enemy>().OnDeath += lM.RemoveEnemyFromList; // TODO: THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE / HAVING POOL MANAGER INCLUDE LEVEL MANAGER IS NO GOOD.

                // Now add this instance to our Queue at the poolKey we just specified

//Enemy Script

public Action<Enemy> OnDeath;

public void TakeDamage(float damage)
        health -= damage;

        if (health <= 0)

Could you post the exception in it’s entirity?

You should be able to highlight it in the console output in the unity editor and copy paste it here in full.

This will include the exception message, number, and stack trace… as is I’m unsure what it might be.