-Valymdia a short movie made with unity-


A peaceful world is invaded by a strange mechanical visitor.

The movie was recorded in real time in unity 5.5.
I’ve made this short during my free time.

Tools used are unity , Maya and mudbox, speedtree, substance painter (and designer for the leaf effect), world machine for the base terrain creation.
Music is composed in music maker and movie edited in Sony movie studio steam edition.

Plugins used in unity :
-Terrain Composer
-Uber shaders
-RTP shaders
-Advanced foliage Shader
-Amplify Color
-Horizon Based Ambient OCC
-Hx Volumetric

I hope you like it !


Very nice and I really like the effects you’ve put in there. Also impressed with the realtime rendering. May I ask your computer’s specs?

This is really wonderful work!

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Thanks !
My computer is a intel I7 4790K 4HHz 16G ram and a GTX980

Thanks tou Sollthar!

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Thanks botumys, very useful to get an idea about specs vs performance.
I’m just starting with Unity+Cinemachine on a laptop but may upgrade later this year.
Looking forward to see more of your work.