So Like Question says. I am making a Login menu using Playfab. I had it all working and then OCD me decided to organize code and broke something. So I have a password Inputfield that calls a method to set the password variable. I placed a debug.Log right under the userPassword = passwordIn which in play mode I can see updating as I type in the inputfield. When I go to call the Loginwithemail API with the OnclickLoginButton It keeps saying it empty. I also placed another Debug>log right before the login api gets called and its blank.
Here is the OnClickLogin Method
public void OnClickLogin()
Debug.Log("UserPassword is: " + userPassword);
var request = new LoginWithEmailAddressRequest { Email = userEmail, Password = userPassword };
PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithEmailAddress(request, OnLoginSuccess, OnLoginFailure);
if (rememberUser)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("RememberUser", rememberUser ? 1 : 0);
And here is the GetUserPassword Method… very basic
public void GetUserPassword(string passwordIn)
userPassword = passwordIn;
Debug.Log("UserPassword is now: " + userPassword);
Here is a shot of the password Inputfield setup
As I mentioned. In the console I can see the variable being updated as I type into the InputFiled. But soon as the debug gets called inside the OnLCickLogin method its blank. I have been searching google for around an hour now and cant find a solution.