(variable) is not a member of (script)

Hi, I’m new to programming in Javascript, and I’m having an issue with my script.
It won’t compile; instead Unity says “‘hitGround’ is not a member of ‘Collide’”.
I can’t figure this out. Can someone help me?

This is the script (named Collide.js) I made:

pragma strict

private var hitGround : boolean = true;

function Start ()

var hitGround = true;

function OnCollisionEnter(groundCollide : Collision)
	if(groundCollide.gameObject.tag == "floor")
		this.hitGround = true;
		this.hitGround = false;

function Update ()

	if(this.hitGround == true)
		canJump = true;
	else {}

Remove the curly braces around the declaration of hitGround, that will make that a local variable to the scope of the curly braces… which is just the definition and it’s out of scope. Also you need to declare canJump for what it’s worth.

#pragma strict
// don't wrap in curly braces as this will make a variable local scope to what is inside of the braces.
private var hitGround : boolean = true;