Variable not Updating

I have create a private variable in my script. I have set its value to 0. It is not in the inspector because it is private. But yet, when I apply this script:

function Update ()
    print (thirst);
	if (thirst < 100)
		thirst = thirstRate * Time.deltaTime;

the variable remains 0 when printing it. This makes no sense but I must be doing something wrong…or it could be a glitch with Unity. Please help if you know anything! Am I putting this in a wrong function or something? Thanks!

Whole script:

#pragma strict

//Player variables

var thirst = 0; //100 = max, 0 = min.
var thirstRate = 0.08; //Increase thirst by...

function Update ()

	print (thirst);
	if (thirst < 100)
		thirst = thirstRate * Time.deltaTime;

It’s because you keep dividing the thirst.

Time.deltaTime is the time between each frame (and thus Update() call).

thirst = thirstRate * Time.deltaTime;

Will result in a very small result.
I think you might be trying to increase thirst over time, if so you should try this instead:

thirst += thirstRate * Time.deltaTime;

Note the += instead of =


Like @Bunny83 mentions, the datatypes should also be defined as float because operations on the data will be rounded down. (i.e. 1 * 1.5 = 1 when using integers).

Maybe an int conversion? If the rate is too low it will floor to 0. Try thirst = (float)thirstRate * Time.deltaTime;
just in case.

Also, a life changer thanks to TheAntRanch on twitter, if you put the editor in debug mode, you can see your private variables :open_mouth:

Its really hidden, in the top top right drop down :slight_smile: