Variable rate shading and DirectStorage

I wondered if there are any updates for new tech like variable rate shading and direct storage in Unity

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We are working on taking advantage of both of those technologies in future Unity releases.

For VRS - we are already using it internally in some Unity features (like foveated rendering), and are now thinking of ways to give users access to VRS in a cross-platform way. We do not have any details to share right now, but you can provide feedback on our public roadmap ticket, and keep an eye out for future announcements.

For DirectStorage - Unity is not taking advantage of the DirectStorage API today. This is something we are talking about internally and will look to see how we can leverage this technology in the engine in the future. In the meantime we believe that Unity’s existing IO systems across all our platforms will be capable of delivering the performance needed for titles to pass certification and give a great user experience.