Variable set through Editor Extension during Edit Mode reverts on runtime

I recently begun using Editor Extensions for doing simple things during Edit Mode which I’d otherwise would have to do during runtime. For this example, I want to assign a random number to a variable “blubb” on an object’s script “ObjectData” from the editor during Edit Mode:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

public class ObjectEditorExtension : Editor {
	override public void  OnInspectorGUI () {
		ObjectData objectData = (ObjectData)target;
		if(GUILayout.Button("Assign blubb")) {
			objectData.blubb = Random.Range(0,10);

The ObjectData script (just for reference)

  using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class ObjectData : MonoBehaviour {
         public int blubb;

So far, so good, I click on the button, and a random number is assigned as it should. Once I hit the play button, however, the variable blubb reverts back to it’s default value of 0 (the dwefault value for int variables). Why? :slight_smile:

Found the solution myself: When changing a vlue through the inspector, the relevant script needs to be set to “dirty”