I have a group of scripts which all contain a public ‘Run’ function.
I need to have an array of different instances of these scripts which I can call the ‘Run’ functions from, but what variable Type do I use?
E.g. I tried using Monobehavour:
var arrayOfScripts : Monobehaviour[];
public function callScript (scriptNumber : int) {
But, I get the error: ‘Run’ is not a member of ‘Monobehaviour’.
I have also tried Component and Object.
The array needs to be of the instances of the scripts which exist in the scene attached to objects.
I cannot use the script name as it needs to be an array of different types of scripts which have different names.
I could use a js Array, but I would like to be able to drag and drop into the Inspector without having to create a custom inspector.
I can’t use an array of GameObjects and use Broadcast Message because two scripts may be attached to the same gameObject and I only want one of them to have ‘Run’ called.
You could derive them all from a base (and/or abstract) class that has the Run function and then store an array of the base type. (rough C# code below)
public abstract class BaseRunner : MonoBehaviour
public abstract void Run();
public class BaseRunner : MonoBehaviour
public virtual void Run(){}
Then derive all of your other scripts from base class:
public class ChildClass : BaseRunner
override void Run()