Variables Across Scenes

I’m actually really starting to learn how to make some of this scripting stuff work and in Javascript mostly. I’m mostly an artist so it’s like learning Chinese to me, I get the logic mostly though. While I’m trying to figure out how to implement shooting and AI constrained to 2 axises something occurred to me…

How does one keep a variable across scenes? Let’s say that I want to be able to pick a load-out for a vehicle during intermission stages or from say, a menu. Is there some core location to store these or am I missing the boat?

There is a method called DontDestroyOnLoad(). You can implement it by creating a script in your first scene and put the following in the Awake function:

function Awake (){
	DontDestroyOnLoad (this);

You can then place all you global variables in this file as static (java) or public(c#)

That looks perfect, thanks that should help a lot.