Hi Folks!
I am using the following code and wonder why the content of the variables wont change if I change it.
After pressing the “Play”-Button the GUI always shows the first compiled version of the script.
On the other while changing the rectangle values the textfield is updating.
What am I doing wrong?
var textFieldString = “bla, bla”;
var header = “bla, bla”;
var keysnavi = “bla, bla”;
var arrownavi = “bla, bla”;
var mousenavi = “bla, bla”;
function OnGUI () {
textFieldString = GUI.TextField (Rect (5, 5, 250, 75), header + keysnavi +arrownavi + mousenavi);
Ok, found my mistake - either right klick on the name of the script and klick reset (if you made changes in the scriptfile) or edit the values directly in the inspector. A list of the variables should exist there.