Various LoadAsset Errors after Upgrading to Unity 2018.3.13f1

We recently upgraded Unity 2018.1.9f1 to 2018.3.13f1 and I’ve started to receive various errors with calls to AssetBundle#LoadAsset. Here are some of the errors

  • Mismatched serialization in the builtin class ‘Sprite’. (Read 216 bytes but expected 768 bytes)
  • Mismatched serialization in the builtin class ‘Sprite’. (Read 216 bytes but expected 592 bytes)
  • Mismatched serialization in the builtin class ‘Sprite’. (Read 216 bytes but expected 584 bytes)

I’ve noticed this error when trying to load an AnintionController as well as when loading a prefab from the asset system.

I’ve also gotten the following errors, although slightly less frequently:

  • Size overflow in allocator.
  • The file ‘archive:/CAB-36db8643db0f557b9bda530dd653a3c9/CAB-36db8643db0f557b9bda530dd653a3c9’ is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!

Again, the call that triggers this is a call to AssetBundle#LoadAsset

I have tried completely clearing and rebuilding my bundles, deleting all caches I can think of and nothing seems to help.

This is happening in both Editor and stand alone builds (only tested on Mac so far).

Anybody have suggestions on how to further diagnose and resolve the errors?


This is still happening after upgrading to 2019.1.3f1. We’ve also noticed this on windows as well a mac stand alone builds