Vector3.Lerp not working?

I have a Vector3.Lerp in an Update function but it doesn’t seem to move my object. This is my script:

private var elfMale;

public var smooth = 2;
private var newPosition;

function Awake ()
	//newPosition = elfMale;

function  Start ()
	elfFemale = GameObject.Find ("FemaleElf").transform.position;
	elfMale = GameObject.Find ("MaleElf").transform.position;

function Update ()
	if (move)
		newPosition = new Vector3 (10, 10, 0);
		elfMale = Vector3.Lerp (elfMale, newPosition, Time.deltaTime * smooth);

I used the Unity Official Tutorials video and they put: newPosition = elfMale in the Awake function but I’ve commented it out since it seems pointless for me. Any ideas of why this isn’t working? Also, I’ve activated the move variable through a GUI button.

You’re misunderstanding the parameter to Lerp. I’ll quote an old forum post of mine to explain.

I usually just explain the lerp parameter as a percentage. Given a t from 0 to 1, you’ll get a result that is t percent between a and b.

If you want a value that changes over time, t needs to change over time.

This example is in C#, but the fundamental considerations are identical:

public float min = 0f;
public float max = 100f;
public float lerpTime = 1f;
float currentLerpTime = lerpTime + 1f;
public void StartLerping() {
    currentLerpTime = 0f;
void Start() {
void Update() {
    currentLerpTime += Time.deltaTime;
    if (currentLerpTime <= lerpTime) {
        float perc = currentLerpTime / lerpTime;
        float current = Mathf.Lerp(min, max, perc);
        Debug.Log("current: " + current);
    } else {

In your case, you’re passing current Time.deltaTime to Lerp. That’s only the time for the current frame. The above example instead uses a value which increases by Time.deltaTime once per frame, representing the total time that has passed since we started lerping.

Your code in the start function:

elfFemale = GameObject.Find ("FemaleElf").transform.position;

Is getting the position when the script starts, but you need to get a reference to the objects transform so you can translate it.

elfFemale = GameObject.Find ("FemaleElf").transform;
elfMale = GameObject.Find ("MaleElf").transform;

Then in Update you can go:

elfMale.position = Vector3.Lerp (elfMale.position, newPosition, Time.deltaTime * smooth);

Try transform.position = vector3.Lerp();

public class CameraScript : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
bool isGoing;
float starttime,fraction,time;
Vector3 a, b;
void Start()
isGoing = false;
fraction = 0;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    if (isGoing)
        fraction = (Time.time - starttime) / time;
        Debug.Log(fraction + " a: " + a + " b: " + b);
        if (fraction > 1)
            isGoing = false;
        transform.position =  Vector3.Lerp(a, b, fraction);

public void LerpIt(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float time)
    starttime = Time.time;
    this.a = transform.position;
    this.b = b;
    this.time = time;
    isGoing = true;
    //transform.position = b;


in my case, I was simply writing Vector3.Lerp();
the mistake was transform.position = vector3.lerp();

Re-check your object name.

If someone is also struggling with the Lerp, and if it’s not working. Then I would suggest you my article where I have described:

  • What is Lerp In Unity?
  • How Does Lerp Work In Unity?
  • Right Way To Use Lerp, Multiple Ways.
  • Bonus Tips

If you are a beginner or even an intermediate, then I would suggest you check out my article, Click Here