Vector3 maths to launch a Rigidbody in the direction of another GameObject from arbitrary and changing positions

Shooting a rigidbody from on arbitrary point to another arbitrary point in a 3D space is the basis of my question. I’m attempting to make a crowd throw objects towards either player one or player two but I’m struggling to get the maths to send it in the correct direction.

My current attempt:

[ContextMenu("Do ThrowTomatoes")]
    public void ThrowTomatoes()
        GameObject clone;
        GameObject tomatoe = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Throwable")[0];
            clone = (GameObject)Instantiate(tomatoe, new Vector3(tomatoe.transform.position.x, tomatoe.transform.position.y, tomatoe.transform.position.z), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), CameraMovement.playerOne.transform);
        Debug.Log(CameraMovement.playerOne.transform.position.x +"     "+ CameraMovement.playerOne.transform.position.y + "     " + CameraMovement.playerOne.transform.position.z);
        clone.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(1, 1, UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 20)); 

To easily determine direction in Unity you need to things. Origin and Target.
In your case its simple, NPC throwing is the Origin and the player is the Target.

Now lets lets look at the code for getting direction.

var origin = npc.transform.position;
var target = player.transform.position;

var direction = target - origin;

Yes it really that simple.