Vector3 Projection onto Plane and API Question

Does Unity already have a method to project a vec3 onto a plane like below? If not, I’m curious where they draw the line on what to include in the API and what to leave out.

90% of the time they’ve already got a method for what I’m trying to accomplish, but occasionally I run across things I would consider “missing” or really helpful for other game developers new to 3d. Often times I’ll find an insightful solution simply by browsing the documentation when a particular helper function catches my eye (for example Transform/Inverse TransformPoint, Vector3.RotateTowards or Quaternion.LookRotation).

I guess this is more a question to satisfy my personal curiosity, but I’d love to hear from the community or someone who works at Unity. I realize everyone has their own opinion on what they think should be included in an API or math library, but I was wondering if there was more to it considering the Unity APIs are already fairly large.

Cheers! =)

public static class Vector3Extensions {
    public static Vector3 ProjectOnPlane(this Vector3 v, Vector3 n) {
        n = n.normalized;
        float d = Vector3.Dot(v, n);
        return v - d * n;

A few other goodies we use (same for SphereCollider):

public static class BoxColliderExtensions {
    public static bool IsPointInBox(this BoxCollider box, Vector3 point) {
        point = box.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point) -;

        Vector3 half = 0.5f * box.size;
        return point.x < half.x && point.x > -half.x &&
               point.y < half.y && point.y > -half.y &&
               point.z < half.z && point.z > -half.z;

    public static Vector3 ClosestPointInBox(this BoxCollider box, Vector3 point) {
        point = box.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point) -;

        Vector3 half = 0.5f * box.size;
        point.x = Mathf.Clamp(point.x, -half.x, half.x);
        point.y = Mathf.Clamp(point.y, -half.y, half.y);
        point.z = Mathf.Clamp(point.z, -half.z, half.z);

        return box.transform.TransformPoint(point +;

Not sure if it does what you whant but you may take a look at this:

For the IsPointInBox you can do


Damn, no idea how I missed those vector projection methods. I think I googled and found a Unity Answers thread before the documentation popped up.

Do you know if bounds.Contains supports a rotated AABB? Last I checked, I don’t think it did (though I could be wrong again…) will try to test later today.

Good point the bounds class does not handle any rotational stuff as far as i can see.