vector3.reflect for ricochet?

First of all, I admit to being a newbie at this, but I’m hoping someone can help me understand.

I have a very simple scene setup with a gun and a wall.

I am using raycasting with the bullet so that I can get the tag of whatever collider it comes in contact with. This is working perfectly.

I have an if statement in the script on the bullet for contact with anything tagged as a wall so that I can tell the bullet to ricochet off. Right now it just hits and makes a sound.

function Update () 
	var hit :RaycastHit;
	var fwd = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
	if (Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position,fwd,hit,2))
		//This is for making the bullets perform bouncing off of any object it hits tagged as a wall.

				AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(miniEnemyExplosionSound, transform.position);


I am just not able to figure out how to use Vector3.reflect at this point to make the instantiated bullet reflect off of the wall. I understand that I might have to cast another ray at this point, using the normal of the hit object, and get the object following it, but I cant figure out this step.

Anyone willing to help me understand this and get this working? I really need help learning this.

I got it figured out.

I just had to use the rigidbody.velocity and the hit.normal in the vector3.reflect.

Works like a charm.