Vehicle Flattening Grass - Saw a Video, What Asset Was This?

Hi All,

First post here :), basically what i am after is I saw a video I think from an asset on the Asset store that showed the default 4x4 model driving through a field of grass or corn etc and it was deforming the grass to flatten it leaving it flat afterwards permanently.

Anyone know what it was, was it a grass asset or a vehicle asset with extra features in the project?

Would like to be able to do this without the Windzone idea as that would no doubt return to normal once you move on (although that is still useful to me)

If you know the Asset i am thinking of or have any tuts etc… let me know!


Maybe VolumeGrass?

It’d be genius if you showed us a screenshot or vid of this.

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No that’s not the one unfortunately, but thanks for playing :slight_smile: I’m sure it had this vehicle in it!/content/67

I think if i had a pic or the video i would be able to get the name from them, but i only know i saw it within the last month or so.

Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making is new ish and DX11.

You beauty! That’s the one all right, cool thanks, I did start looking through the Scripting Section as Stormbreaker got me thinking…

Thanks hippocoder, will use the little Heart button this time to favorite it.