Velocity is different on build, dots physics package

hello, today I’m testing my game and built my game server.
my tank not moving! I’m checked linear velocity by debugging logs. tank velocity is so different when i running server at the unity editor.
I’m using IJobForEach to update PhysicsVelocity. what can I do to get same results like editor?
velocity.x at editor: 8, velocity.x at windows: 0.0001 for example.
tested on havok and unity physic engine.
the code:

        private struct UpdateJob : IJobForEach<PhysicsVelocity, Rotation, 
            public float DeltaTime;

            public void Execute(ref PhysicsVelocity physicsVelocity, ref Rotation rotation,
                [ReadOnly] ref ServerTankMovementData tankMovementData)
                var inputs = new float3
                    x = tankMovementData.MovementInputs,
                    y = 0,
                    z = -tankMovementData.TurnInputs
                physicsVelocity.Linear += inputs * tankMovementData.Speed * DeltaTime;
                if (!inputs.Equals(
                    rotation.Value = Quaternion.LookRotation(inputs);

When is your UpdateJob being executed? If your UpdateJob is being scheduled between the BuildPhysicsWorld and ExportPhysicsWorld system update then your velocity changes will be overwritten by the simulation itself.

Also, there is a specific DOTS Physics sub-forum where more eyes could have helped here.

thank you, I have fixed this problem by Application.targetFrameRate = 60.