velocity, mass and damping

Did you follow the thread to ? It is quite a long read, but ultimately revealing, especially the post by S_Darkwell.

If you are writing this as a rigidbody controller I suggest you have a think about exactly how you want it to behave. I am going to guess that playing with a drag force is not the answer - unless it really is something that is significantly braked by fluid drag forces.

If the rigidbody is kinematic (its motion is not influenced by other mobile rigidbodies), then check out Rigidbody.MovePosition and MoveRotation. But you will have to code your own gravity effect on motion.

If the rigidbody is not kinematic (i.e. its motion is only defined by the forces acting upon it), then you must carefully consider how the forces to move, stop and turn the body are applied. If this is for human like character motion, this is not trivial. For example, if your current system is hit by a boulder and knocked flying, it will in fact rapidly stop due to the drag. You will need to control motion by carefully constructed forces.