Velocity of multiple rigidbody obiects in array

I’m trying input few rigidbody objects in array by tag, and then get the sum of velociy of all objects in array. But it’s not working, error: “velocity is not member of Array.” Here is code:

var allObjects          :   Array;
var allObjectsVelocity  : 	float;

function Start () {
	//input all tagged objects in array
	allObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red") + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue") + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Green");

function Update () {
	//get valocity of multiple object
	allObjectsVelocity = allObjects.velocity.magnitude;

Do you have any ideas? Thanks for help.

you have 2 options one is. Store an array of rigidbodies or loop through game objects.

Option 1:

var allObjects : Rigidbody;

function Start()
      allObjects = new Rigidbody[3];
      allOjects[0] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red").rigidbody;
      allOjects[1] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue").rigidbody;
      allOjects[2] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Green").rigidbody;

function Update()
     float allObjectsVelocity = 0;
     foreach(rigid : Rigidbody in allObjects)
          allObjectsVelocity += rigid.velocity.magnitude;

Options 2:

function Update()
     float allObectsVelocity = 0;
     foreach(var go : GameObject in allObjects)
          allObjectsVelocity += go.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude;

The issue is that the return type of allObjects is an Array you need to loop through all of the Array Items to sum the magnitude.

function Update() {
    allObjectsVelocity = 0;
    foreach(rigid : Rigidbody in allObjects)
        allObjectsVelocity += rigid.velocity.magnitude;


This is not tested and I usually use C# so syntax may not be perfect.

ok, I’m trying but it’s still something wrong. Now the code looks like:

var allObjects	        :   Array = new Array();
var allObjectsVelocity	:   float;
var i                   :   int;

function Start () {
	//input all tagged objects in array
	allObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red") + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue") + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Green");

function Update () {
	allObjectsVelocity = 0;

    for (i=0; i<allObjects.length; i++)
    	allObjects *= Rigidbody in allObjects;*

_ allObjectsVelocity += allObjects*.velocity.magnitude;_

print("test velocity : " +allObjectsVelocity);

but now I have error : “velocity is not member of object”

Now I think is better and simpler, but problem is now “Cannot cast from source type to destination type”. Do you have any ideas how fix that. Code :

function Update () {
	allObjectsVelocity = 0;
    for (var rigid : Rigidbody in allObjects)
    	allObjectsVelocity += rigid.velocity.magnitude;


