Verasl boat attack water system weird bug

Looks like the Boat Attack GitHub project was meant for Unity 2020. Yet I still tried to make it run on 2019.4. I had to remove an overridden method (which isn’t available in Unity 2019.4’s URP package) and stuff. It runs very well in the editor but as soon as I build and run it on android, the whole game hangs if the camera doesn’t point to anything in the scene (that is not the water itself). In the editor, a strange dark line runs along the water surface when this happens (but it doesn’t hang in the editor). I’m posting some screenshots. Please point me in the right direction.


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your not use water pass in postprocess, or you not use transperent shadow

I have the same glitch, the shape of the glitches changes with shadow distance (or the cascades settings), so my guess it is shadows related. I have “Transparent Receive Shadows” enabled. Re-generating lighting doesn’t help. Toggling post-processing also doesn’t.
edit: after pretty long investigation and turning off one-by-one gameobjects in demo scene, it seems you need a terrain spanning below everywhere. The shader is a bit wonky in that regard and shadows get bugged without terrain. I don’t know if this helps with your issue

My boat attack water doesn’t work at all in 2020 it’s full of compile errors even though it’s a direct download from the protype boss series. Upgrading that project from 2019 to 2020.2 broke it hard.
I am so sick of this garbage I have to put up with in this engine.

Right now in Unity if you want new features it’s going to cost everything sometimes.
They clearly don’t know how to make something and finish it from the get go
They use the customers as ginny pigs instead of their own internal team.

My Rant Below you can ignore:
I swear they got a massive lawsuit coming if they keep this up.
When you bare bones an engine with missing features it forces users to upgrade no matter how stable/unstable. This upgrade causes everything that used to work to be at risk…they literally can’t make up their minds on features and have to change them around every few months.
This creates a never ending cycle because they can’t keep their stuff together.
That’s illegal.

If anyone still has this issue and don’t want terrain bellow or this buggy shadow you can set “volumeShadow = 1;” and comment out the rest of line 282 in WaterCommon.hlsl or find a way to fix the function or the arguments passed in it.