We have noticed after releasing the latest update for our game that the Verified IAP Revenue has increased significantly and we know for a fact that this is not actually the case, so it would seem that it is reporting wrong data. The only difference between releases we had regarding purchasing is updating com.unity.purchasing package from 3.0.1 to 3.2.2. Is this a known issue?
Here’s a picture of the graph in the unity dashboard
That spike doesn’t align with anything, we haven’t experienced an actual increase in revenue. So the graph should stay at the same values that we had before that update.
June: 548 IAPs, July: 1197 IAPs. Revenue is 5 to 10 times more than Google Play console shows.
After some googling and searching on this forum, I think it has something to do with deferred purchases added in google purchase api 3. Since I haven’t changed anything in my code, deferred purchases are probably being processed as complete ones. I added a code to check for pending purchases and published the update on Google Play.
Will let you know if it fixed situation ( will probably take several days to see new data in analytics).
Thank you for the quick response!
The code added to process purchase function :
var validationResult = validator.Validate(args.purchasedProduct.receipt);
foreach (var productReceipt in validationResult)
if (productReceipt is GooglePlayReceipt google)
var purchaseState = google.purchaseState;
if ((int)purchaseState == 4)
return PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending;
Sorry, “5 to 10 times” is not actionable. Which is it? Please show comparison screenshots for a single day to show the exact difference. I have a feeling that we might be tracking subscription renewals as revenue, are you able to confirm?
Sorry for the confusion, please pick a SINGLE DAY, and show the specific differences and exact numbers. Can you show sales per day by product for example?
Revenue: $616.86. Number of IAPs - can’t say
I’m not sure how to show detailed report in Unity Dashboard for IAP’s for a single day. It only lets me choose the minimum timespan of 2 days:
Could you a side by side comparison and report it here? To be clear, I’m not doubting your claims. I’m trying to find a possible pattern to help engineering fix any potential issue.
Not the count, just the $ values. You have them in your screenshot already, the Dollar values are on the y-axis. You should be able to mouse hover over each of the bars to get their specific value, otherwise just use the y-axis.
You’re using both a decimal and commas, are these values in US dollars? Just checking. But one clear issue is we show sales for a product, Google shows none. That is concerning. One note, we do count test purchases as actual revenue, would this make sense in your case? It’s a known issue.
Also, free trials may play a role, an area we are looking into. We look to be possibly counting the revenue twice, once at the beginning at the free trial, and again if/when the user actually purchases. Does the increase in revenue match with an increase in DAU? Just checking.
Commas and decimal is how browser shows it to me, I believe these can be threated as equal signs in this case. Yes, both google play console and unity dashboard show values in US dollars.
I didn’t make test purchases for a long time. The game is 4 years in the stores already and purchasing hasn’t changed since, so I had nothing to test. I’m not sure what free trials are. I only use usual IAPs, both consumable and non consumable. No subscriptions too. There hasn’t been any noticeable increase in DAU recently.
Only thing that I changed that is related to IAPs is I updated the IAP plugin to version 3.2.3. Nothing else has been changed. I did it because Google Play console showed warnings that I have to update to a newer Google Play Purchasing API version 3. So I did and the issue occurred.