September 27, 2010, 9:14pm
Hi! Thank You for the great solution of creativity and sorry for my poor english …
After upgrading my 2.6.1 project to 3.0.0, i’ve found strange situation with vertex-lighted objects.
i have a lot of procedurally vertex-prelighted-objects, the blue crystals, for example.
in play window my crystals has orange color (right after blue color fade_in sequence finished)
in editor window the color of crystal is in fight between blue and orange (depends of camera position)
Is it the sort of new batching mechanics? How to keep the vertex color of batched meshes safe?
Thanks again.
PS: the black soil under the crystal now has no right vertex colors too.
Also you can see the 2.6.1 sample screenshot with no any vertex problems…
the vertex color of them remains safe, I would guess its more a matter of the used material that causes this or you are using lights that impact it …
September 27, 2010, 9:33pm
I have not lights in scene and have only 2 materials (standart and additive) with texture atlases. I have a lot of start vertex coloring procedures and the orange color is the one of the config color for vertex lighting.
Looks like the batcher has read the color of the first vertex of combined meshes and clone it to whole vertices of resulted mesh…
update: the vertex color data is fine… searching the reason of wong coloring
September 27, 2010, 11:29pm
Here is the scene with animated camera and crystals vertex-painted as red, green and blue only:
UPDATE: Artifact is actual in any combination of Rendering Path and Batching methods
just to check a thing: you did not by error mark them static right? cause with static batching such side effects could happen I think. with dynamic batching they shouldn’t
September 27, 2010, 11:46pm
Heh… after cloning and testing the scene with about 30 of crystals, i’ve got the problem even with Dynamic Batching is OFF, Static Batching OFF/ON etc
All works fine only with 1 crystal in scene… yes, it’s the solution too
395094–13562–$lighting_problems.unitypackage (200 KB)
September 27, 2010, 11:53pm
I don’t see any problems. That package only had 3 crystals though, not 30.
September 27, 2010, 11:58pm
Eric5h5, do you see the red, green and blue crystals while playing in scene and game windows?
September 28, 2010, 12:05am
Oh… my fault… the problems appears ONLY with Dynamic Batching is ON.
I’m sorry, just mixed up the Player Settings panels.
So, Dynamic Batching is not an option for me. The orange crystals now has a sweet blue color.
Thank you for helping
September 28, 2010, 12:08am
Yes, I see red, green, and blue crystals. That’s with dynamic batching on, actually.
September 28, 2010, 12:15am
Damn… i have a flashing Disco lights with Dynamic ON on PC+GF240. Do you Mac user?
September 28, 2010, 12:18am
Yes, although maybe it could be a driver issue? Have you tried it on another PC?
September 28, 2010, 12:21am
He-he! You are right… no problems on my mini with posted web-scene.
Thanks again… its more optimistic than disabling dynamic batching