I’ve been looking through the docs, and it looks like when it’s mentioned, it’s a legacy feature.
Is vertex lighting still supported? Can anyone point me to any current info or examples?
I’ve been looking through the docs, and it looks like when it’s mentioned, it’s a legacy feature.
Is vertex lighting still supported? Can anyone point me to any current info or examples?
It’s called Legacy Vertex Lit, but it won’t be removed until Unity 6. You can enable it in Edit > Project Settings > Player. Or you can change it per-camera.
Thanks Stardog, I’ll see what I can do by enabling it.
You mention that it will be removed in Unity 6…does that mean at that point there won’t be a way to do vert lighting at all?
Or maybe I should clarify what I’m after and see if vert lighting is the right approach anyway.
I’m just curious if it’s possible to store lighting information in the vertices of a model to avoid having to apply lightmaps, where they wouldn’t work that well anyway. Dense meshes with small polys.
I think when it’s removed you would use Forward rendering with a vertex-lit/unlit shader on your materials. It should give almost the same effect/performance.
You can do vertex painting, but I’ve never done it before. GitHub - slipster216/VertexPaint: Unity 5.3 Vertex Painter