vertex paint on models?

Hi, all.
I have been looking around unity to see if there is a way to “paint” on imported 3D model assets as you would be able to paint different textures on unity’s Terrain.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

thanks in advance…

No this is not possible
Thats something you do in your 3D model

Only the terrain is done like that as it works very different from meshes (you don’t paint onto a mesh in case of the terrain but onto an opacity splat map)

ah thanks… wonder if this would be possible in the future.

Depending on what you mean, it’s possible now, like this. (That’s from the procedural examples, with a bit I added a while ago when I was messing around with vertex colors.) You can also paint the texture itself in a similar way, assuming the object is UV mapped. You could even paint splatmaps in much the same way the terrain is done; there are a couple of splatmap shaders on the wiki.

The only thing you can’t do is use the Unity terrain system to paint arbitrary meshes.


ah that’s pretty much what i mean. cool. thanks for that. I would need to do it within the IDE and not on runtime (if this is possible). Im beginning to think not…

It should be possible, since the Unity terrain tools are in fact Unity scripts. I haven’t done a lot of editor scripting though.
