Vertex RGBA Blender 2.5x

If you have ever tried bringing vertex colors in from Blender - you will quickly run into the issue of no vertex alpha - until now!

This is a two part solution with a custom fbx export script as well as a collection of tools inside Blender for quickly and easily editing vertex colors.

-vertexRGBA Add-On


  • replace in your …scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx

  • place in the…/scripts/addons folder. You will need to enable the addon inside Blender “User Preferences.”


  • Blender defines vertex color with 3 variables (x,y,z). The basic idea of these scripts is to add a 4th variable (w) because most shaders make use of (x,y,z,w). In Blender a second set of data is added so there are 6 variables. The data from the first color layer is packed in the fbx as usual and the data from the second color layer is combined and added to a 4th. The second vertex color layer name must always end in “_ALPHA”. This second layer is created automatically with the provided addon. You could paint color into the alpha layer but it will always be exported as a single channel.

In Blender you must be in Vertex Paint Mode to paint vertex color. The addon is visible in the 3D viewport tool properties panel.

Save the .blend file to your Unity project and you will now have a mesh with RGBA vertex color.


Vertex colors are great for everything from animating vegetation, adding inexpensive AO and alpha, to splatting textures on terrain.

I am currently working on some Unity shaders that support vertex color. I have a shader that can splat 8 textures in RGB and add AO in the alpha channel in a single pass. I will be writing all shaders for “shader model 2.0.”


AWESOME!!! I’ve been looking for a similar tool for some time now. Is this compatible with Blender v2.71?

Yes, it should be compatible. I am using 2.70a currently.

Thats great news (for me at least). This is the most thorough support of RGBA vCols I’ve seen yet. Thanks for your work on this toolset :slight_smile:

Have you explored the ability to export these RGB A!!! values with the new FBX exporter in blender? Or modded the current exporter to include these A values in RGBA floats for the verts?

The rgba values are exported with the provided I know that some work is currently being done on the .fbx import/export scripts for Blender but I am not aware of any new functionality that would improve the current exporter. The current export script handles animation and blend shapes as well as all important vertex data - now including rgba :slight_smile:

First thanks for the great tool!

To get it working in 2.72b I had to cut and paste the color section from the old script into the new. Problem is I can SAVE the blend file and it converts BUT if I use the Autodesk exporter it does not I guess they are two separate scripts?

The commented section is not commented in the normal exporter and it is commented here.

Any idea on the exporter not working exporting to FBX???


#======================== START ORIGINAL CODE ===========================

Write VertexColor Layers

#collayers = [ ]
#if len(me.vertex_colors):

collayers = me.vertex_colors

t_lc = [None] * len(me.loops) * 3

col2idx = None

_nchunk = 4 # Number of colors per line

_nchunk_idx = 64 # Number of color indices per line

for colindex, collayer in enumerate(collayers):“color”, t_lc)

lc = tuple(zip(*[iter(t_lc)] * 3))

fw(‘\n\t\tLayerElementColor: %i {’

‘\n\t\t\tVersion: 101’

‘\n\t\t\tName: “%s”’

‘\n\t\t\tMappingInformationType: “ByPolygonVertex”’

‘\n\t\t\tReferenceInformationType: “IndexToDirect”’

'\n\t\t\tColors: ’ % (colindex,

col2idx = tuple(set(lc))

fw(‘,\n\t\t\t ‘.join(’,’.join(‘%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,1’ % c for c in chunk)

for chunk in grouper_exact(col2idx, _nchunk)))

fw('\n\t\t\tColorIndex: ')

col2idx = {col: idx for idx, col in enumerate(col2idx)}

fw(',\n\t\t\t ’

‘’.join(‘,’.join(‘%d’ % col2idx

 for c in chunk) for chunk in grouper_exact(lc, _nchunk_idx)))
 # fw('\n\t\t}')
 # del t_lc
 #======================== END ORIGINAL CODE  ===========================
 # Write VertexColor Layers
 #======================== Vertex Color Alpha Modification Begin ===========================
 collayers = [ ]
 if len(me.vertex_colors):
 alphalayers = {}
 for name,layer in me.vertex_colors.items():
 if name.endswith(ALPHA_SUFFIX):
 refname = name[:-len(ALPHA_SUFFIX)]
 t_lc = [None] * len(me.loops) * 3
 if alphalayers:
 t_lca = [None] * len(me.loops)*3
 col2idx = None
 _nchunk = 4 # Number of colors per line
 _nchunk_idx = 64 # Number of color indices per line
 for colindex, collayer in enumerate(collayers):"color", t_lc)
 iter_tlc = iter(t_lc)
 if in alphalayers:
 alphalayers[].data.foreach_get("color", t_lca)
 iter_tlca = (sum(c)/3.0 for c in zip(*[iter(t_lca)] * 3))
 lc = tuple(zip(*[iter_tlc,iter_tlc,iter_tlc,iter_tlca]))
 from itertools import repeat
 lc = tuple(zip(*[iter_tlc,iter_tlc,iter_tlc,repeat(1.0)]))
 fw('\n\t\tLayerElementColor: %i {'
 '\n\t\t\tVersion: 101'
 '\n\t\t\tName: "%s"'
 '\n\t\t\tMappingInformationType: "ByPolygonVertex"'
 '\n\t\t\tReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"'
 '\n\t\t\tColors: ' % (colindex,
 col2idx = tuple(set(lc))
 fw(',\n\t\t\t '.join(','.join('%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f' % c for c in chunk)
 for chunk in grouper_exact(col2idx, _nchunk)))
 fw('\n\t\t\tColorIndex: ')
 col2idx = {col: idx for idx, col in enumerate(col2idx)}
 fw(',\n\t\t\t '
 ''.join(','.join('%d' % col2idx[c] for c in chunk) for chunk in grouper_exact(lc, _nchunk_idx)))
 del t_lc
 if alphalayers:
 del t_lca
 #======================== Vertex Color Alpha Modification End ===========================

1854987–118909– (27 KB)

I too would appreciate the ability to use this tool in 2.72b. I havent gotten it to work again as it used to though :expressionless:

I would like to get something like this (or better in trunk). Not sure why Blender Foundation has ignored this for so long… This is primary to 3d art.

+1, this really needs to be in trunk. RGBA for game development is a core necessity.

any updates for this AWESOME tool/plugin with the newest 2.74 builds?

Someone noticed that exporting FBX with tangent and binormals in blender is again broken with unity? There is no way to import tangent again…


for all those who like to use vertex alpha with Blender 2.74 with FBX binary export and Unity, you’ll find a complete package of all file from this thread and added vertex alpha for FBX binary export.

Have fun


Way to go Martin. I’ll test it out.

Looks like something changed again for 2.74.5:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/andrejivanis/Dropbox/blender library/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/", line 509, in execute
    return, context, **keywords)
  File "/Users/andrejivanis/Dropbox/blender library/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/", line 2930, in save
    ret = save_single(operator, context.scene, filepath, **kwargs_mod)
  File "/Users/andrejivanis/Dropbox/blender library/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/", line 2816, in save_single
    False, media_settings, use_custom_props,
TypeError: __new__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'use_custom_props'

location: <unknown location>:-1

As they are changing fbx export often, it is the best to open (and if you need) that came with Blender and search for VertexColors, then delete old and paste modified code between VertexColors and UV layers comments.
modified code:

    # Write VertexColor Layers. [modified 18.03.2015 by ByteRockers' Games]
    vcolnumber = 0
    for collayer in me.vertex_colors:
        vcolnumber += 1

    if vcolnumber:

        def _coltuples_gen(raw_cols, in_alpha_cols):
            return zip(*(iter(raw_cols),) * 3 + (iter(in_alpha_cols),)*1)

        t_lc = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_FLOAT64, (0.0,)) * len(me.loops) * 3
        colindex = -1

        for collayer in me.vertex_colors:

            colindex += 1
            alphalayer_alpha = [1.0] * len(
            if'_ALPHA' in me.vertex_colors.keys():
                collayer_alpha = me.vertex_colors['_ALPHA']
                for idx,colordata in enumerate(
                    alphaValue = ( (colordata.color.r + colordata.color.g + colordata.color.b) / 3.0)
                    alphalayer_alpha[idx] = alphaValue

  "color", t_lc)
            lay_vcol = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementColor", colindex)
            elem_data_single_int32(lay_vcol, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_VCOLOR_VERSION)
            elem_data_single_string_unicode(lay_vcol, b"Name",
            elem_data_single_string(lay_vcol, b"MappingInformationType", b"ByPolygonVertex")
            elem_data_single_string(lay_vcol, b"ReferenceInformationType", b"IndexToDirect")

            col2idx = tuple(set(_coltuples_gen(t_lc,alphalayer_alpha)))
            elem_data_single_float64_array(lay_vcol, b"Colors", chain(*col2idx))  # Flatten again...

            col2idx = {col: idx for idx, col in enumerate(col2idx)}
            elem_data_single_int32_array(lay_vcol, b"ColorIndex", (col2idx[c] for c in _coltuples_gen(t_lc,alphalayer_alpha)))
            del col2idx
        del t_lc
        del _coltuples_gen

        # end of modification

Thanks @aniv for sharing. I am happy for the community support to keep this fix going. I am looking forward to the day when BF will find time to address this issue and make it part of a permanent solution.

Thanks for sharing your fix aniv! :slight_smile:

Hi there Blender users!
Since this post is helping ppl with more advanced vertex coloring in blender (adding alpha) I think I should share this script I found on a website:

This lets you edit vertex colors in separate layers and combine them. This is important while you are working in vertex bending for vegetation (working separately RGB and then combining into 1 layer). Also this script can bake AO and lightmaps into separate Vertex Color Layers, and then combine them as you like (with multiply, add etc…) with other Vcol Layers.

Hope this helps you.

That’s indeed very cool, I’m really in need of this;) Works fine besides a meaningless error popping up every time when adding a layer…