can i enable vertexcolors for all the shaders that came with the demo ? there is plenty of code examples in the various tutorials on this site and the forum.
example: Unity - Manual: Providing vertex data to vertex programs
but i am not quite sure how to actually edit one of the default shaders that came with the demo ?! the “EDIT” option in the dropdown menu is inconveniently grayed out … what exactly hides under that button if you have the pro version ???
i hope its a node based material editor like in unreal 3 because i got seriously spoiled by that ! its the only way to make proper materials now a days !
if that is not whats hidden under there i should probably go straight to the wish list board ^^
Nothing; you can’t edit the built-in shaders, only your own custom shaders. You can download the source for all the built-in shaders and edit that though. Look at the stickies in the forum.
i got myself the source code to the default shaders and added the vertex color code ( or to be more precise i replaced the entire shader with the debug vertex color code from the tutorial)
now how do i get my custom shader on an object ? i cant choose it from the list of “default shaders” i cant drag it on to the material i cant drag it onto the object … how the hell do i use these custom shaders ? is this a unity pro feature ?
ok i copy pasted the code from this shader:
and this one DOES show up in the list of default shaders just like the first line in the code implies! apparently the !debug folder is some how restricted …
thanks anyway guys