Vertical moving

i have a little problem. I making slender game in space and i want vertical moving. And i have 2 problems.

  1. I cant move down (its working in first few clicks and then player quckly start moving up and u cant stop this moving)
  2. Moving is like jumping from one to one its not smooth move

#pragma strict
var boostFactor : float = 100; // or whatever
//var GameObject Target;

function Start () {


function Update () {
	if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") ) {

	 	gameObject.rigidbody.velocity += gameObject.transform.up * boostFactor;

	if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") ) {

	 	gameObject.rigidbody.velocity -= gameObject.transform.up * boostFactor;


Instead of directly changing the velocity, how about adding force instead?

if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") ) 
   gameObject.rigidbody.AddForce(gameObject.transform.up * boostFactor);
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") ) 
   gameObject.rigidbody.AddForce(gameObject.transform.up * -boostFactor);