Vertical Sprite Sheet

Hi Forum, newbie unity user here.

I have a PNG sequence, which were done in a 3D software. But now I need to export them In one vertical column sprite sheet. can this be done some how using unity? The sample I have attached is what I need.
I’ve seen many tutorials on how to do a sprite sheet, but the PNG sequence is going from left to right. I need my PNG sequence from top to bottom.

Thank you.

Unity doesn’t care how your sprite sheet is arranged. Do it however you like (or need).

Hi joe, thanks for your reply.

My main purpose is looking for a software which can vertically export my PNG sequence so I thought of unity.So i can continue onto another software which requires this vertical PNG sequence, I wont be doing anything else in Unity, I’m looking if unity does this function. Here’s a better example if unity is the right tool I can use to achieve this.

Unity doesn’t have any sort of image exporting features by default, but maybe this free asset might accomplish what you’re looking for?.
Never used it myself, so I’m not completely sure.

Yeah, it’s fair to say you could make such a tool in Unity, but it’s probably massive overkill for the job (and you would have to learn quite a bit to do it).