Vertice count in Blender != Unity?


I’ve created simple character from several cubes and icosphere in Blender. Inside Blender it shows that there is 182 vertices (Ve: 182)

When I import this character in Unity, statistics shows me that there is 724 verts.

I’m clearly missing something, could you please help me to understand what exactly?

Btw, if I apply subsurf of 2 in Blender, same character becomes 6.4k in Unity!

The stats show data for the mesh which includes UV data, so whether you have 1 or 2 uv sets, and also the way you lay out your UV’s can have a big impact on the size.


Moving to Support since this isn’t specific to Unity iPhone…

I guess you have the meshes as doublesided in Blender (the default). Then keep in mind that the exporter splits all the cuads in tris, and add in the UVs issues mentioned by Grant. In top of that, when you apply SDS you are actually multiplying by 2 the number of vert/faces of the mesh with each SDS level.