Vertices and faces at incorrect positions

Hi! I’m using Unity 2018.2.21 with ProBuilder 3.10.1 from Package Manager. In orthographic mode, the camera display vertex icons in the wrong position and offset from the center of the screen:

Maybe there’s a solution to this problem? I couldn’t find anything :frowning:

This is fixed for the next ProBuilder update, which will be 4.1.0.


Good, but what’s about 3.x version? If I’m using pre-2018.3 unity version (2018.2.21, old prefab workflow) and can’t download any of 4.x versions due to package.json version limitation (com.unity.probuilder/package.json at master · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.probuilder · GitHub "unity": "2018.3").
Also, it’s really hard to find any info about ProBuilder compatibility with different versions of Unity. 3.x branch for 2018.2 and lower, 4.x for 2018.3+, am I correct?

Yes, exactly.

That said, I can’t think of any technical reason off-hand that would prevent ProBuilder from running on 2018.1 or 2018.2. If you download the latest package using Unity 2018.3, it should run in 2018.2 without any problems. If it doesn’t, ping me and I can see what it would take to get it running.