I just purchased a terrain generator asset from the store.
I hit download and it asks me if I want to open in Unity 3D so I said yes.
I get the Unity 3D box showing my tutorials etc. but did not see anything indicating a download so I created a new project with the name of the asset included in the name.
I went to my downloads and there was the asset so I hit download and then import and as we “speak” but 1) I got a popup saying that the asset contains out of date APIs; the asset cost almost $200 and was just updated in July but I realize a new release just came out 2) Now I have this new project with the asset name under assets but does that mean that it is available to include to future projects as an asset or do I have to export it to make it available as an asset?
I looked for a tutorial on how the downloading of assets works but I confess it was a quick look and though I have been using Unity 3D, it has been time scattered over a few months due to other issues beyond my control; i.e. I am trying to remember everything but this part I have never really understood.
I have EXTENSIVE C++, C, C# and Java programming experience and I am very acquainted with how to include needed classes for your project and wondered if Unity 3D works anywhere along those lines.
Is there a tutorial on how to download assets, store them and keep them organized/updated into the future? I honestly cannot see myself moving to anything else other than Unity 3D so if someone has a moment to provide a link for information, that would be perfect. I do not mind searching but I am becoming impatient for more AI help with doing searches as scattered pages you have to patch together to learn are modestly frustrating.
I also confess to being one of those who dives in without going through the user’s manual so perhaps I missed a wonderful set of pages explaining all this; again, any help will be appreciated and I will gladly accept chiding in return for a helpful link, video or anything that will set me straight.